Cellulite reduction service to tighten skin with soundwave and laser technology.

Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite commonly develops around the rear and behind the upper legs, producing pitted and uneven skin. Even though cellulite is nonthreatening, this highly typical cosmetic concern can produce embarrassment and reduce your self-confidence. At Aesthetics of Central Texas, we offer painless Soundwave technology procedures to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Cellulite reduction treatment with the MPMG Soundwave cellulite solutions, smooths the skin surrounding the buttocks and thighs (most common areas of concern, but can be used over any areas of cellulite) and allows for a tauter shape. In the event that you agonize over cellulite, we encourage you to contact us in San Marcos, TX, and find out more about how soundwave technology can assist you.

About Cellulite Reduction

The SOUNDWAVE technology, clients will see improvements shortly after the treatment. For the ideal results, over the next 2 to 3 months, you can enjoy gradual improvements in texture, firmness, and evenness. The unique Soundwave technology creates minor tears, which then induces the body’s own natural healing processes to reduce the dimpling in the skin and thus the cellulite appearance.

Cellulite Reduction FAQ

Are there any side effects to this treatment?

The Soundwave technology is essentially painless. There is no downtime, so you can go right back to work after treatment.

How is skin tightening achieved by this treatment?

How long do I have to receive treatments for laser cellulite reduction?

Is it possible for men to get cellulite?

Why does cellulite develop?