Hair rejuvenation service to address balding or thinning with exosome treatments.

Hair Rejuvenation with Exosome Treatment

Hair loss is a persistent and challenging issue affecting many individuals. Some experience seasonal hair loss, while others encounter it as a side effect of medications or due to genetic factors. Regardless of the cause, hair loss can be distressing and lead to sleepless nights. Fortunately, recent advancements in technology and medicine have introduced a variety of techniques and procedures to address this issue effectively. These treatments are not only beneficial but also minimally invasive and efficient, reflecting a high level of professionalism. One such innovative procedure offered at Aesthetics of Central Texas is Exosome Hair Restoration. Exosomes contain 200 plus growth factors, including those that directly contribute to healing, tissue regeneration, and hair restoration. They stimulate your body's natural regenerative potential, and potentially resulting in denser hair that is in good health. This therapy represents a modern and efficient approach to addressing hair loss concerns. The exosome applications results in faster results than with other treatments alone.

What is the difference between PRP and Exosomes?

Potential Advantages of Exosomes vs PRP:

  • Greater variety of Growth Factors: 450 in Exosomes vs 12 in PRP
  • Growth Factors, mRNA and miRNA appear to be associated with the regeneration of skin and hair
  • Exosomes are not donor age and/or health status dependent
  • No blood draw or time-consuming on-site processing
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties
  • 1-2 Treatments vs 3-6 Treatments
A diagram showing the benefits of exosome treatment, such as scar removal, skin rejuvenation, pigmentation regulation, and hair growth.

Am I a candidate for hair rejuvenation with Exosomes?

Exosome hair regeneration treatments have shown good results for our Aesthetics of Central Texas patients — both men and women. How do you know if this regenerative medicine Exosome Hair Regeneration Treatment is right for you? You may be a candidate for Exosome therapy if:

  • You have thinning hair
  • You have hair loss
  • You are experiencing progressive hair loss
  • You are too young for hair transplant surgery
  • You are within the earlier stages of the hair loss cycle
  • You want to take a natural, non-surgical approach to hair restoration
  • You have tried other hair regrowth treatments with little or no success
  • You don’t want to take prescription drugs like Finasteride

Hair Restoration FAQ

What are exosomes?

What is hair restoration using exosomes?

What happens as we age that makes this technology important?

What are the results? How quickly does one see results?

Is there any downtime or side effects associated with exosome micro needling?

Why combine the scalp resurfacing or micro-channeling treatment w/ exosomes?

How many treatments are recommended?

Are there any pre or post treatment precautions?