Hormone Replacement For Men

Do men need to replace hormones?

Around 25 years ago, there was a lot of debate within the medical community as to whether testosterone mattered as we age, and the general attitude among doctors was that decline in testosterone levels was natural as we age and didn’t really NEED to be fixed. Men’s testosterone starts to decline in the late 20’s and is estimated to decline 2% per year. That means a 55 year old will typically have 50% of the testosterone level he had at age 30. Doctors believed that was not a problem.

Fast forward to the 2020’s - everyone has heard of “Low T”, and the medical literature is overflowing with the benefits of maintaining the levels of testosterone that men had in their 20’s.  At this point, there is no doubt about the benefits both in our daily lives and for prevention of future health issues. Men NEED to maintain testosterone levels at low adult levels if we are to be fully functional now and in the future.

Testosterone is an anabolic (building up) hormone that, in addition to being responsible for primary sexual characteristics at birth and puberty, is involved in maintaining secondary sexual characteristics throughout life. These characteristics include male hair pattern, voice deepening, lean muscle mass, muscle strength, libido, as well as beneficial cognitive effects on mood. It is also involved in creation of red blood cells. Hence, patients with testosterone deficiency usually experience decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, lethargy, decrease in muscle strength, osteoporosis, depression, decreased intellectual function, and regression of some secondary sexual characteristics.

Men’s testosterone starts to decline in the late 20’s and is estimated to decline 2% per year. That means a 50 year old will typically have 50% of the testosterone level he had at age 30.

At Aesthetics of Central Texas, we are familiar with multiple modes of testosterone replacement, but the best option for convenience and consistent levels is to use testosterone pellets placed under the skin every 4-6 months.  We use Evexipel pellets which offer several advantages over other commercially available pellets, and we are skilled at painless placement of the pellets.  Contact us today to get a complete evaluation and learn about what we can do to get your testosterone levels to where they should be.